Here are just a few screenshots to give you a taste of the power, look and feel of Divinity. There is so much more. Check out the DEMO at our web site     Land Editor Design your worlds using all the land types you have seen in Realmz. This is a look at the land editor. Here you can see a section of the desert landscape.   This is the view of the snow landscape. This is a small segment of land from the upcoming scenairo "Mithril Vault" You have full access to Plains, Underground, Castle, Desert, Swamp and Snow landscapes.     Battle Editor Designing battles is as simple as choosing the monsters you want involved and placing them in the battle editor. Too bad for your party that knocking them down isn't as easy as putting them up.     Treasure Editor Fill your dungeons and ancient temples with all sorts of goodies. Design a treasure horde that will temp even the wisest of characters to follow a path of doom.     Monster Editor Design your own monsters and NPCs. Be your own little Frankenstein!     Items Editor Design your own magic items too. Did you ever what to see what happens when somebody puts on a helm only to find out it's actually the "Cursed Helm of the Bear Trapper!" Design items to be envied by the gods themselves!   There are lots of other screens you can use to create your own special world. Some of the editors you have at your command are: Spells Editor Races Editor Castes Editor Dungeon Editor Shop Editor Action Point Editor Rogue Encounter Editor Simple Encounter Editor Complex Encounter Editor Time Encounter Editor Scenario Startup Information Editor and many others... Don't get me wrong here. To create a really good scenario you will have to put in a lot of time and effort. Making a great game is lots of work but it can be FUN WORK. As much work as Divinity is, it is still about 0.01% of what it takes to make a game from scratch. If your interested in making games for a living or just as a hobby then Divinity is the best place to start. For ordering information see chapter 4 of the Realmz Manual. fin-